My top picks out of the books I've read this year (in no particular order):
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
This is actually a grown up book (I read them every once in a while!) but the main characters are kids through much of the story. I love this book. I want to write one like it some day.
City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
I know this came out a long time ago, but I just read it this year. The other books in the series didn't hold my interest, but this first one is incredible. As soon as I finished it I had to read it to my kids. Awesome, awesome story.
Need by Carrie Jones
I love a good fantasy novel, especially when it takes place in the real world. This book rocked. The sequel comes out in January.
Because I Am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas
I didn't think I would like this book. It's YA, it deals with abuse and it's written in verse. So not my cup of tea. But once I started, I couldn't stop. This is such an amazing novel, such beautiful writing. If you haven't read it, you should.
Nothing but Ghosts by Beth Kephart
Talk about beautiful writing! I loved this book because it's not high concept, it's just a really good story. The world needs more books like this.
Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George
My shelf book is a dragon story. I love dragons and I absolutely loved this book. It's high fantasy adventure with a plucky MC you can't help but adore. I can't wait to read this with my daughter.
Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles
This is another YA that I wasn't sure if I would like. It deals with how a teenage pregnancy affects the lives of four friends. I loved it. Amazing book. I want my daughter to read this when she's older.
Everything by Suzanne Collins
I read my first Gregor the Overlander book back in May and since then I've read every Suzanne Collins book. I love her writing. Seriously, I'm ready to start digging through her trash because I'm pretty sure even her grocery list would be well written!
Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
The blend of humor, action and mythological gods is brilliant. I devoured these books then begged my son to read them so we could talk about them. Please don't take offense J.K., but this series is even better than the Harry Potter books. I can't recommend them highly enough!
So those are my top picks for the year. The strange thing is, the more I read, the bigger my pile gets. How'd that happen?
Thanks for the recommendations. I've had City of Ember sitting on my desk for months to read. All three of my kids read it when they were in 5th grade and loved it. I think I'll make that next on my list.
Oh the ever-growing TBR pile. Every time I clear off the nightstand it miraculously sprouts another towering pile. But I'm going to add some these to my aquire list. For me, reading will never go out of style.
That is awesome you have sixty read already this year. My son is bugging me to read the Percy Jackson series. I will and definitely at least The Lightning Thief by February. He gave the set to my mom to read and she liked it too! So I am looking forward to reading that!!
CITY OF EMBER is one of my favorites for the year, too. And I just checked GREGOR out yesterday!
I've been reading so much less lately since I've been writing so much more. I'm in the middle of Allison Winn Scotch's "Time of My Life" and really enjoying it. I'm amazed when people read can read so avidly! Thanks for filling us in on some of your favorites.
Oh gosh, this just reminds me of all the good books I'm missing out on. I hope we finish our WIP soon so I can go back to being a reader for a little while. It's hard to balance both sometimes!
I agree that the pile never diminishes. I need to read Need. I've had it on my list for a long time. Same with that Jamie Ford one. Le sigh. Maybe someday.
I've got a pile myself--now it's grown a foot, thanks to you :-).
Loved Ember, though found bits of it slow. I liked the second one, too (People of Sparks, maybe?). The third felt very contrived.
I've been meaning to pick up the Jo Knowles and will add it to my library list.
I just finished listening to The Hunger Games and am hoping Catching Fire will be on CD at the library.
Aren't libraries the greatest thing?
That multiplying TBR pile is a phenomenon at my house as well. You've just added to it. I also really enjoyed City of Ember. I didn't like the sequels as much though.
I loved 'hotel' and 'ember' as well. The not familar w/ some of these and always love being intro'd to a new book possibility. Thanks!
I enjoyed all the Ember books, but The City of Ember is truly a wonder of a story! I was surprised how much I enjoyed The Lightning Thief (first Percy Jackson book). I've only read the first one, but I'm sure I'll read the others soon. Right now I'm reading Catching Fire and loving it! Haven't read Because I Am Furniture yet, but is on my "to read" list.
Susan: Read Ember. It's really good!
Tricia: We must have the same nightstand :)
Kelly: Why are you holding out on Percy? Read it--it's so good!
PJ: I want to hear your thoughts on Gregor after you read it.
Debra: Time of My Life is wonderful, isn't it?
LiLa: I can't not read. But balance has never been my strong point!
Elana: Need is awesome. And the Jamie Ford too. Put 'em at the top of that pile!
SF: The piles never get smaller. Too many good books!
Caroline: I love my library. And my book store. Suzanne Collins rocks!
Lois: Those books do multiply, don't they?
Tess: I'm glad you found some new titles in the list :)
Rebecca: You've been enjoying some great titles, too. All the Percy Jackson books are amazing. I did not get bored with the series.
And now, me, late to your celebratory party, but deeply grateful: Thank you. We writers remain trembled by doubt so much of the time. You gave the end of this day peace.
Thank you.
Beth's book and On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet have been on my list!
For a moment there, I thought "Everything" was a title, and was ready to run out to buy it.
I don't know how many I've read so far this year. It may be interesting to find out.
I see you have The Help on your TBR pile. I just finished it.
I think we're neck and neck on the number of books read this year. I'm trying to make it to 100 before 2010.
I just finished City of Ember and The People of Sparks. I really enjoyed them both. I read Need as well, but didn't really care for that one.
Right now I'm reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins since I LOVED Hunger Games. I'm also reading Liar (sometimes I read 2 books at once until my brain is fried).
What a great list. I need to keep track of my books read. One of these days.
I guess I could always sit down for a moment and scan my bookshelves and make a list.
But that would take time. and time know...busy....
Wow, you make these sound great. The ones I haven't read, I'm now going to. Thank you so much. (My TBR pile is groaning, but I don't care. :) )
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