Don't you love to get a package in the mail? It's especially fun when you don't even remember what you ordered. (This happens more often than I'd like to admit!)
On Saturday I got a box and the return label gave no clues. I opened it up and found three writing books! I'd ordered them from Writer's Digest when they had a sale.
It's Spring Break for my kids and we're headed up to Yosemite early Monday morning so I'm thrilled to have some great reading to take along. And should inspiration hit: have laptop, will travel. Yes, I know it's sick. I'm going to enjoy the great outdoors with my computer in tow.
Tell me I'm not the only one...
I was excited when I got the bracelet in the mail a few days ago! Enjoy your time with family, books and laptop! I didn't bring my laptop last week, but ended up using my mother in laws, but just checked up on FAcebook. I'm a FB addict. :)
Um, nope, I'm the same way!!! Enjoy your reading. :D
You are so not the only one. ;-)
ohhhhh! Those look like some great books! I can't believe the one on pitches is so thick! Who knew?
Have fun at Yosemite!
You are totally not the only one! I'm excited just looking at your reading stack :)
Not sick at all! Have a great time!
You're not the only one. I don't go anywhere without my laptop.
And as for surprise packages, the last one was from YOU! YAY!
Have a fantastic vacation! (and yes, I always bring my laptop)
Look at all those great books! What is writer Mama? I'm gonna look it up right now.
Love the Maas book.
If you get a chance, check out Jeffrey Sweet's Solving Your Script. Massive insights there for prose writers, even if it is a book designed for new playwrights.
Too funny! Have a WONDERFUL vacation!!
Ya gotta love getting unexpected books in the mail! Have fun reading on vacation!
You are so not alone! I GET it! In fact I am just about to publish on the subject at my blog :). Have fun!
Happy travels (and reading!)
Kelly - I'm so glad you liked the bracelet. I'll have to look you up on Facebook -- I'm addicted too :^)
Glam - Not only did I enjoy my books, I spent some quality time with "Monarch" as well -- yet another good reason to bring my computer along :^)
Sarah - Good to know you understand!
Christy - The pitch book is great and so was Yosemite!
PJ - I'm almost done with the pitch book and I can say it's quite useful
Becky - It was great!
Suzanne - I'm the same way and I'm glad you like the book!
Vivian - It was fun and I'm glad you drag yours along too :)
Katie - I haven't gotten to Writer Mama yet, but I'll let you know once I read it
Dal - I've heard great things about the Maass book. I'm looking forward to it
Kelly - It WAS wonderful
Matt - Books in the mail are always good :^)
Meredith - I'll have to go see what you wrote on the subject :)
Beth - Thanks!
So glad to hear! Hope you're enjoying. :D
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